Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Matt Cookies Note

 In college I had a home teacher named Matt Hall.  He was a really great guy.  Truly great.  I've run into him a couple  of times as an adult and always remember what a good example he was.  One of those people that has a solid testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and is continually serving others.  

At one point, I was struggling. I can't really remember what was going on but I just know that it had been a rough week and I was frustrated and discouraged.   I got home one day to a note and a plate of cookies.  They were from Matt and the note just said something like he had a feeling I could use a reminder that I wasn't alone and that people cared about me.  Or maybe that's not what the note said at all...but that is the message I got from the note.  I wasn't alone.  Even though Matt didn't know I was struggling, Heavenly Father did.  And he let me know that others cared through a simple act of service delivered by my friend and home teacher.

LESSONS LEARNED:  Never suppress a generous thought.--Camilla Kimball

"God does notice us and watches over us.  But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. Therefore it is vital that we serve one another.”  --Spencer W. Kimball

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