Sunday, September 13, 2020

Wilcox Revelation Grace

 Brad Wilcox's insights on President Nelson asking us to receive revelation and to Hear Him.

People are responding.  People want to receive revelation.  We can see how we have been prepared.  First, we learned about the importance of the Sabbath Day.  Then ministering.  Then home centered worship...and now we have a choice whether we worship in our homes...we've been prepared for this day.

How do we recognize God's voice in our lives?

*Lots of studies have looked at amount of time youth spend on social media.  A recent study looked at social media use in a different way...what are they engaging in on social media?  It's not the amount of time on social media but how it is used.   Some people are overwhelmed by fear...and discouragement.  We need to Hear Him...not them....(the media/news).  No matter what is happening around you, look up!  

Talk at BYU devotional given nearly 10 years ago...His Grace is Sufficient.

What else do you want to say about grace?

I am so glad that we are using the word grace.  For many Christians, grace has come to mean permission to sin and procrastinate...and people feared that using the word grace would lead to that misunderstanding.  Many Christians think of grace as just mercy and love.   Grace is Jesus Christ' power...He wants to help us.  Grace is His power to help us.  We have to repent.  We can use the word grace and part of the restoration is that we can have a fuller definition of grace.

What do we say to the question "Have you been saved by grace?"  Yes, absolutely!   Our salvation is dependent on Jesus Christ.  We cannot be saved without Him.   Part of the Restoration is that our definition of saved is different than for many Christians.  For most Christians it is getting to heaven.  For us, it isn't just getting to heaven, but it is being heavenly.   It isn't just getting back to is becoming like Him.  We have a bigger view of what salvation is.  We can be grateful to have an expanded view of salvation and exaltation.  

Discussing grace with some who had anti-Mormon theology, Brad Wilcox said, "I see heaven as very big and hell as very, very small."  Compared to most theologies (Christian or otherwise) our conception of heaven includes a lot more people.  

Brother Wilcox shared that he served as a Bishop of a YSA ward and that he'd have young single adults come to him to repent and they would be penitent and sincere. And then they would make a similar mistake and they'd come back and feel so terrible.  And this would be repeated a couple of times and then they'd give up...sometimes even leaving the church...because they didn't understand grace.  It isn't what helps us "after all we can do" or when we get to the end of the journey but it is the strength and help given to us where we are and all along the journey.   As Brother Wilcox pondered analogies, he found that most of them dealt with courtrooms or buying/selling...transactional relationships.  And so he developed the analogy of piano lessons.  It entails a lot of mistakes, repeated mistakes, lots of practice, lots of help...all along the way.

They discussed that too many people--despite the Church's teachings on our relationship with God--think of it as a transaction.  I keep the commandments so I get this blessing or I don't do this so this doesn't happen.  But covenants are all about relationship.  Truman Madsen said, "A covenant  is not a cold contract.  It is a warm relationship."  A covenant is a relationship.  NO one is better off without a relationship with the Savior.  We don't enter a covenant afraid that we might break a promise.  We enter a covenant knowing that we will have help when we do.  

At baptism an arm is extended.  As we partake of the sacrament, an arm is extended.  In the temple, an arm is extended toward us as we make a covenant.  Hands are extended and placed on our heads as we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.  The hand of grace is extended to help us keep these covenants.  There is something being taught in those moments.

One last thing he said that  I love:  "Religion is the group practice of spirituality."  It forces us to bring mountaintop ideals to the real world ideals.  (Funny Meme:  Be like I-15...never quit working on yourself.)   It's how we take what we have learned and apply it in our practice.  It's easy to believe something on a mountain top or in the temple then it is to put it into practice in families and in the world.

Covid is not a vacation from your covenants.  Step it up.  Counsel together to see how you can minister.  Don't sit around and wait until things are normal...make it happen now.  Don't look for excuses.  Look for Christ.  Go make a difference.

LESSONS LEARNED:   We have been prepared for this day and this time!

Grace is all about relationships.  We have a big heaven and a small hell.  Grace is help all along the way.

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