Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Delamare Setting Apart

When I was called as RS President, Bishop Delamare set me apart.  Then he set apart my counselors and for each of them asked if their husbands would like to be in the circle.  Later, in our first meeting together, he apologized.  He said he realized that he should have at least asked if Alfredo wanted to stand in the circle and he hoped that it didn't cause me or Alfredo any hurt feelings.  At that point, Alfredo wasn't very active and he definitely would not have wanted to stand in the circle.  In fact it may have made Alfredo uncomfortable to have been asked, at least at that moment.  (Ideally, I guess Bishop Delamare could have asked in advance, privately.  But I don't fault him for that at all.)  I genuinely appreciate that he apologized later and that he wanted to soothe any hurt feelings if there had been any.  I appreciate that he was mindful of our circumstances and didn't want to do anything to cause discomfort or offense.  It can be challenging to be a leader and sometimes offense does occur.  I think it is important to try to apologize when you may have made a mistake and to mindful of others.  But I also think it is important to recognize that everyone we meet is human and that mistakes are made.  It doesn't make the gospel any less true.

LESSON LEARNED:  Be mindful of others.

Apologize when hurtful things are said or done.

Be quick to forgive.

Don't take offense.

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